I’ll never forget my trip to Amsterdam in the late ’90s. I clearly recall walking into a famous coffee shop named the Grey Area and purchasing my first legal cannabis. The strain was Dutch Treat and I remember the entire experience like it was yesterday as I tasted her delicious flavors and felt the heavy fade deep within my soul. Those were such special times and the reason I bring this bit of nostalgia up is that recently at my local dispensary I was able to find a sample of some Dutch Treat Badder from Regulator Extracts aka Smokey Point Productions. I was extremely excited to taste the Treat and go back to the 1990s and Holland.

At first glance, this was a very terpy looking extract. Badder refers to the consistency as this extract is made by whipping wax in pyrex over heat until it becomes a creamy frosting. At first glance, this Dutch Treat oil looked a bit on the dark side and very thin for a batter, but I was still willing to take a chance thanks to the price point of $13 USD a gram. Now to give you a little background, Dutch Treat is a well known Indica-Dominant Hybrid with mysterious genetics. Rumor has it, that it was originally bred in the Pacific Northwest but became famous in the coffee shops of the Netherlands. Unfortunately, there is no verified lineage on her as the origins are still unknown.

I decided to dab her using my Mobius Stereo Matrix rig and as I dipped my nail into the sauce my first impression was that the oil was very liquidy and not actual badder. I grabbed a nice sized dab and as it hit the quartz banger I found myself inhaling a very mild and almost tasteless wax. There was a slight berry flavor but nothing like the Dutch Treat I recall. Sometimes you get what you pay for and this was one of those times. As for the stone, I found it to be somewhat decent but even after two hits, I was left reaching for a different strain in order to do the trick. In the end, It almost felt as if I had smoked a Sativa as I had a clear mind and too much energy, but my gut says this was just a weak sample and I was still sober.

Overall, I was quite disappointed by the Dutch Treat Badder and found it to be lacking when it came to her flavor and pungency so I gave it a score of 6.5/10. This is the lowest taste score I’ve given to a product in some time. As for the stone, it was also a very sad example of what Dutch Treat is capable of. I’m sure there’s a chance the strain wasn’t grown to fruition or it was mislabeled but either way, I had to give it a score of 6.7/10 as it was one of the weakest extracts I’ve tried in quite a while. Sadly, I wouldn’t recommend this sample to anyone for any ailment as I didn’t experience anything of value. To be completely honest, I’d say steer clear if you see this on your local shelf no matter what the price.

dutch treat badder

Posted by:ogkushner

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